Copy of 1958: Debüt Musikvereinssaal mit „langer Hose“



Debut as an eleven-year-old in the Great Hall of the Wiener Musikverein

Debüt Musikvereinssal mit langer Hose (Unicode-Codierungskonflikt).jpg
“I was never one to practise a lot, back then I practised two to three hours a day. I still cannot sit and practise six hours a day at the piano - but instead I can do two concerts in a day! I practise with the same dedication, concentration and enthusiasm as in a concert performance. I can only sit down at the piano if my body and brain are one hundred percent involved in the music. And this is also what I try to teach my students: You have to learn to learn, then you have much more time for everything else. Sitting at the piano for hours and playing arpeggios up and down is pointless. It only strains the fine mechanism of the joints. A waste of time! Every hour of unnecessary and wrong practice shortens the pianistic life.”
— R. B.
David Skudlik