Copy of Seidlhofer

In conversation with Prof. Bruno Seidlhofer

In conversation with Prof. Bruno Seidlhofer

Concert for the World Exhibition in Brussels with Prof. Marianne Lauda

Concert for the World Exhibition in Brussels with Prof. Marianne Lauda

“My teachers were my greatest fortune: First I studied for six years with Prof. Marianne Lauda, then I studied for ten years with Prof. Bruno Seidlhofer.
I had a wonderful relationship with Bruno Seidlhofer. In 1958 I was admitted to his masterclass. He was a man of few words, but he was always in physical contact with his students. When he squeezed your shoulder somewhere, you realised that something was wrong with the rubato. That was his way of teaching. If you did not have any innate technical talent, it would have been useless to be taught by him. When you look at his famous students - Friedrich Gulda, Martha Argerich, Nelson Freire, Jaques Klein, Alexander Jenner, Dieter Weber - all of us got that special gift from God that is the prerequisite for making music and playing the piano. Technically weak students would have had no chance with him. But we benefited enormously from him.”
— R. B.
David Skudlik